
An accessible, feature-rich, boilerplate project for web apps.

Swampy is an open source web app with generic features (like authentication) that every app needs. With it, you can fast forward through project set up and get right into developing the core features of your app.

This website is Swampy. You can experience the features and UI just by clicking around.

Technologies Used

Swampy is built with a variety of industry leading technologies that you're probably already familiar with.

We choose technologies based on WHARF (an acronym we made up):

  • Widely used
  • High performance
  • Affordable
  • Robust
  • Fun to work with

Recommended and Upcoming

Here's some other great technologies & services that play nice with Swampy. Consider using them, and expect to see some of them integrated into the Swampy code base in the future.


Implemented features are marked with a green check. In progress features have three blue dots. Upcoming features have an empty circle.

Front End Features

Back End Features

User Features

Developer Features